Thursday, August 5, 2010

Introducing our new additions to the Family of Triple D 2010

We are proud to introduce our new members of our family:
(Photos coming soon)

P.J. our young little bobcat, he has been a blast to work with so far and is going to turn out as a great addition to our family.

Dora the Siberian lynx, she stalks us during a filming shoot that gives great looks toward photographers. We all love her so much.

Lucky and Suri our wolf pups. Lucky being the larger of the two has an interesting personality, we are guessing he has a very alfa wolf disposition. Both of the pups are in the process of learning to howl and bare teeth on cue.

Little Joey, our new red fox kit. She has been a blast to watch. She is the Daughter of Joey and Luigi. She has the same personality as her mom. Being that she is so easy going and happy go lucky.

Sausha the grey fox, although fast now she will soon be a great addition to our place. She is very beautifully colored. She has been a fun little girl to work with.

Quilly Bob Thorton the porcupette. He loves to hang out on our arms and is quite the character.

Plus our three youngest are our raccoons. They are some of the cutest little ones ever. When they all stick their heads out of a log or crevice the cuter it is.